Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Cranbersher 2015 Hiatus

Hello everyone! It's been a while since I wrote one of these do-dads, huh?

Anyway, I figured it was necessary to you let all know in advance what I'll be doing pretty soon and what I've got planned for 2016. Now the title might make this sound like a no-good-good situation, but I assure this is for the best and a good thing, for me and the channel and hopefully all of you.

First off, let me get into what will change for the channel in 2016. The answer is: Well not much really. It may seem like a big change but the content is going to stay pretty much the same. The only thing that will change is gaming content, meaning it'll pretty much disappear. At least, the regular uploads of it will. I know that a lot of you enjoy those and I do enjoy sharing the experience with you, but I am an animator, not a let's-player. This means that animation is my top priority, and if other kinds of content are getting in the way or taking over or taking away time I could put towards animation, then it's gotta go. I've found myself sitting at my computer for hours editing gaming videos thinking that I should REALLY put this time into, you know, what I want to be my job? In the future I'll probably only upload something game-related if it's something I really end up enjoying and I haven't seen others make anything about.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't just start games to do the "popular" thing. I started it because of how personal it is. It's just one on one usually; player to viewer. I wanted this to be a way to see the person behind the animations, and to keep a sense of humanity about the channel and to let you know that I am one person. I think it's a big part of making and keeping a great community; to never let you guys forget that I am just a person. A lot of the time, without this element, people can obtain a sense of entitlement to the videos they watch and just demand more and berate the creator for not uploading on time or not making something that they specifically like. I don't want that around this channel.

I just don't want to lose that connection with you all, that's all, so please remember who I am even if I'm not speaking directly to you as often. (I still will be, just not as much.)

ANYWAY, enough of that jorble! (That was just about the game stuff? Wow.. this might be a long one...Also I hope there aren't any typos! I'm literally banging this out as I go.) Time to explain the rest of the changes. So I'm thinking the upload schedule is going to turn to weekly Friday videos with four different kinds, so basically 1 a month of each. Here are the types of videos in order from Week 1 to Week 4 of every month:

Week 1: Makin' a Thing (Where I...make a thing. You know, like the Sans I made!)
Week 2: Comments, same as usual
Week 3: Cranbersher's Guide
Week 4: Talky Time (Pretty much any updates or stuff I feel is relevant to talk about)

Now you may be wondering, "Cranny-BOO, That list doesn't have like, you know, ANIMATIONS on it!! What's the diddley?!"

Good questions! Well, these four videos are the "regular" videos. Animations can take longer than a month so they don't have a specific deadline, therefore when I finish an animation it'll go up on probably a Wednesday and not interfere with the flow of the other uploads. Any Behind-The-Scenes stuff will be released a week later.

So that's the plan I've got for 2016, and personally I like it. I've tried making schedules in the past thinking they're doable and they end being very frustrating and difficult to keep up with (I stayed up until 4 AM editing the last Cranbersher's Guide).

That all being said, I want to start stockpiling videos. That way I know I've got something for you guys and I don't have to immediately worry about the next video as soon as one goes up. However, in order to stockpile, I need to take a break. An uploading break more specifically (Believe me, this ain't gonna be no vacation!"

I'll be working on writing multiple episodes of Cranbersher's Guide, Makin' more Things, and obviously cracking down on some animations in the meantime!

It shouldn't be too long of a break, just until next year!................ (That's less than a month away don't get your breeches in a snare.) An when I come back I'll be back with an original animation! (It's a Part 3 of something)

That's I've got to say I think! Thank you for reading and I'd love to know what you think about the plan. I'll make a video about all this soon to let everyone know.

Take care!

Monday, October 12, 2015

10/12/2015 | Taking a step back.

Hey everyone,

Recurring events have led me to come to the conclusion that I've let you down, and I've let myself down as well. Here's why:

So as you may or may not know I had plans to release a new original short film in July, which ended up hitting snags (Due to outside forces and my own faults) and I had to indefinitely postpone a project into which I had already invested so much time and effort and resources. I just didn't have what was necessary to complete it.

Well it's happening again. After so much set building and writing and puppet making, so much time, because of ONE THING I can't finish it in time. You could say that I have plenty of time to figure it out because I haven't said when it was going to be released, but no, because I have to stay on schedule with other projects after this one.

Let me inform you about my work area:

That space in the front is technically what I have for animating. A 4x4 foot square area, and on the other 4x4 foot side is where I shoot Cranbersher's Guide, with the top-down camera for filming any handy things.  I also only have one camera for everything, besides my webcam, which means I can only film one thing at a time and have to constantly move it for different necessities. I am okay with this, I'm lucky to have a camera and a table in the first place.

However, these big projects take over the entire table, and I have to keep my camera in one spot for long periods of time for animating, which means no Guide for a long, long time. This makes me feel like I'm letting down people who enjoy that series, and I really want to give it to you.

So I can't linger on stuff even if there is no set deadline if that makes sense (Sorry I'm just typing up a storm here so bear with me haha.)

There is also a pressure, whether it's just in my head because of recent Youtube "fame" (God not at all but I'm not sure how else to put it.) Or because I know people really want another animation. I feel like I need to go bigger than before each time, and... I just can't do that. I don't have the resources or the money yet. I need to find a balance.

So I'm taking a step back. I'm going to keep things small. Projects that I've postponed might resurface later. They might not. I do not know. But for now it'll just be small, quaint projects that I can manage and that don't linger on and cause stress. I do hope you enjoy them, but if not, I guess I understand.

Thanks for reading,


Friday, September 11, 2015

9/11/2015 | The Thing is Back and New Stuff!

I FINISHED 10SEG FINALLY. Haha huzzahh! I'm so glad to have it out of the way because now I can get on with more awesome (hopefully) stuff for the channel! I'm already getting started on a new project and I think it'll be a good one.

After that, I've got plenty more projects in the lineup! It's gonna be just lovely.

Oh! You may also have noticed that the blog title has changed. Well, I figured updating this every single day would often times be meaningless, since some days nothing really noteworthy happens. So! Instead I'm going to update you all when there's actually stuff worth mentioning happening! Woo!

Anyway! Yeah I'm starting to build the puppets for my next project which I guess is a halloween/autumn type video in some cases. Once I finish them I mayyyyyyyy post a picture, but no promises!

Nothing else to report!




Saturday, August 29, 2015

8/28/2015 | 10SEG & Important Message

All right. So I'm still getting the next set for 10seg fully finished, which is okay since I planned out when I need to animate for the deadline I've set and I've got time.

Looking forward to finally finishing it because honestly I think the channel needs some love again. It's been suffering a bit, and even though there's technically more content (games and whatnot) I think it's shifted into a place I didn't want it to be. I said a while ago (before I knew how to speak properly) that the channel wasn't going to become a gaming channel, just an "animation channel where I possibly play games...sometimes.....maybe."

But the thing is, the majority of the videos going up now are, you guessed it, gaming. And even though those who watch them do enjoy them (thank you by the way), I feel like it's too much, and it's not what the channel was meant to be.

That being said, things are going to slowly change. I've got more stuff in mind for videos that make more "sense" for the channel, and I think it's a nice idea, because I still don't want to just fall off the planet for weeks at a time without any content (and I sure as hell don't want to make update videos because there not any sort of fun to watch). "Hey sorry guys! I just wanted to take time out of working on this great video to tell you about how it's not done yet!" I apologize for the sass.

As for games....well, we'll see. They'll probably slow down...or even stop. I haven't decided yet. But of course I'll finish the series I'm playing right now, and then I'll make a decision. I guess if a game really, REALLY catches my eye and I think will make a good series, then I'll play it on the channel, otherwise, that area is a bit silent.

I might make a video addressing this, or I might just gradually make the shift and see how you all take to it. Only time will tell.

If you want, you can let me know what you think!

Nothing else to report.




Thursday, August 27, 2015

8/27/2015 | 10SEG

Well, today was a very busy day outside of, unfortunately. But hey, got plenty planned for tomorrow. Hoping to animate the ESJ intro and also more of 10seg! Also getting together the next Q&A.

Ooh, also something's gonna happen tomorrow. Hehe.




8/26/2015 | 10SEG

Set got flippy-flopped! Which is a good thing since now I can focus on the next part of 10seg. At this rate I should have it done by next Saturday...FINALLY! I alos planned out the entirety of the next two weeks fro what I need to do. I'm gonna try my darndest to stick to it.

Nothing else to report.




Tuesday, August 25, 2015

8/25/15 | 10SEG

Today I got much more animation done on 10seg, but now I've gotta completely flip around the set and paint it a new floor, once that's over with everything should be fin though and things can go as planned. After that set flip there's only one more and then it'll be done! WOOOO!

Happy Days.

Once it's done I can finally get back to animations for my channel. I know those haven't been around in a while and I'm terribly sorry, but often times that happens with animators. They got lots of stuff on their plate usually, and I'm not much of an exception. I'm glad you're all sticking with me though, even though I'm just doing mostly game-plays at the moment. It means a lot and I hope I can repay you with occasional laughs and knowledge of what I do and how I do it. And of course the interactivity. I'm gonna try to be the in Youtube comments more often.

(This post sorta derailed a bit but I don't care!)

Anyway, that's all I have to report tonight! Take care!


