Saturday, August 29, 2015

8/28/2015 | 10SEG & Important Message

All right. So I'm still getting the next set for 10seg fully finished, which is okay since I planned out when I need to animate for the deadline I've set and I've got time.

Looking forward to finally finishing it because honestly I think the channel needs some love again. It's been suffering a bit, and even though there's technically more content (games and whatnot) I think it's shifted into a place I didn't want it to be. I said a while ago (before I knew how to speak properly) that the channel wasn't going to become a gaming channel, just an "animation channel where I possibly play games...sometimes.....maybe."

But the thing is, the majority of the videos going up now are, you guessed it, gaming. And even though those who watch them do enjoy them (thank you by the way), I feel like it's too much, and it's not what the channel was meant to be.

That being said, things are going to slowly change. I've got more stuff in mind for videos that make more "sense" for the channel, and I think it's a nice idea, because I still don't want to just fall off the planet for weeks at a time without any content (and I sure as hell don't want to make update videos because there not any sort of fun to watch). "Hey sorry guys! I just wanted to take time out of working on this great video to tell you about how it's not done yet!" I apologize for the sass.

As for games....well, we'll see. They'll probably slow down...or even stop. I haven't decided yet. But of course I'll finish the series I'm playing right now, and then I'll make a decision. I guess if a game really, REALLY catches my eye and I think will make a good series, then I'll play it on the channel, otherwise, that area is a bit silent.

I might make a video addressing this, or I might just gradually make the shift and see how you all take to it. Only time will tell.

If you want, you can let me know what you think!

Nothing else to report.




Thursday, August 27, 2015

8/27/2015 | 10SEG

Well, today was a very busy day outside of, unfortunately. But hey, got plenty planned for tomorrow. Hoping to animate the ESJ intro and also more of 10seg! Also getting together the next Q&A.

Ooh, also something's gonna happen tomorrow. Hehe.




8/26/2015 | 10SEG

Set got flippy-flopped! Which is a good thing since now I can focus on the next part of 10seg. At this rate I should have it done by next Saturday...FINALLY! I alos planned out the entirety of the next two weeks fro what I need to do. I'm gonna try my darndest to stick to it.

Nothing else to report.




Tuesday, August 25, 2015

8/25/15 | 10SEG

Today I got much more animation done on 10seg, but now I've gotta completely flip around the set and paint it a new floor, once that's over with everything should be fin though and things can go as planned. After that set flip there's only one more and then it'll be done! WOOOO!

Happy Days.

Once it's done I can finally get back to animations for my channel. I know those haven't been around in a while and I'm terribly sorry, but often times that happens with animators. They got lots of stuff on their plate usually, and I'm not much of an exception. I'm glad you're all sticking with me though, even though I'm just doing mostly game-plays at the moment. It means a lot and I hope I can repay you with occasional laughs and knowledge of what I do and how I do it. And of course the interactivity. I'm gonna try to be the in Youtube comments more often.

(This post sorta derailed a bit but I don't care!)

Anyway, that's all I have to report tonight! Take care!




8/24/15 | 10SEG

Okay, so I got a lot of planning done for a lot of things, mostly the events of 4DK2. planned out a whole calendar around it! I'll get back to figuring that out later. 10seg is going well, although I've move the set around again because I'm going to be using and entirely different hall and room than I was before. Oh goody!

Nothing else to report.




Monday, August 24, 2015

8/23/2015 | 10SEG

Well, not much happened yesterday given it was Sunday, I didn't necessarily have to work but I decided to animate a bit more of 10seg. Yay!

Nothing else to report.




Sunday, August 23, 2015

8/22/2015 | 10SEG

Took a bit of a day off given it was Saturday. It was rather nice! Not much happened other than encountering a new puppy friend, so this a very short post..... Well bye!




Saturday, August 22, 2015

8/21/2015 | 10SEG

Things are still going strong for 10seg. Yesterday was another long day of animating for that and editing some videos for today and tomorrow.

I think I'm going to spread the two weekend gaming videos over Saturday and Sunday so they don't get too saturated. Hope that's all right everybody!

Nothing else to report.




Friday, August 21, 2015

8/20/2015 | 10SEG

Alrighty! So I moved a bit of the set around for 10seg because of the limited space I have and the camera angles I need to get. It'll have to do since I've only got 16 square feet to work with. Oh well! Things are going well on all fronts. Gonna record some more Papers Please tomorrow and possibly something else.




Thursday, August 20, 2015

8/19/2015 | 10SEG

zzz.......zzzz......SNRT* HUH? Oh... uh... oops.

Yesterday was more animating for 10seg! Not much else to say about that, although today I'll probably have to move around the set a bit in order to shoot at the proper angles I need. Today's another full animation day.

Nothing else to report.




Tuesday, August 18, 2015

8/18/15 | 10SEG

Got more work done today, hooray! Can't really get into the details at this point but yeah!

I also edited a couple videos, including the next Q&A and something else, which will both be uploaded tomorrow because I felt like it I suppose haha.

Nothing else to report!




Monday, August 17, 2015

8/17/15 | 10SEG

So I know this blog type thing is really meant mostly for BT, but since I've gotta focus on other things right now It'll be for 10seg's final progress, because I've gotta finish it ASAP because it's been taking way too long. Luckily I got more animation done today which is grand. More on the way tomorrow and so on!

Editing Q&A 8 during my breaks! Should be out Wednesday!




8/16/15 | Planning and Development

Finished editing 4DK and now all I have to do is wait for the upload date! Yum yum. Now I can 100 percent focus on finishing 10seg, which is way overdue. Too many things getting in the way, which is why videos will slow down a teeny bit on the channel temporarily. Just things like Q&A's and the Guide. Just so I can keep all my effort on one thing. So, that's what's on my agenda for the morning.

6 AM here I come!!!! (God help me.)




Sunday, August 16, 2015

8/15/15 | Planning and Development

Uploaded the game-plays today! Now I'm working on getting the next Q&A together and beginning to edit some of 4DK. This one's quite a doozy! Once all that's out of the way it'll be back to 10seg and hopefully more writing for BT. 

Other than that, not a very eventful day. Oh well!




Saturday, August 15, 2015

8/14/2015 | Planning And Development

WE FINALLY FINISHED SHOOTING 4DK!! Ughh huzzah! So glad that's done with for now. All I've gotta do is edit that sucker and it'll be one less thing to worry about.

Had some trouble recording Ori and The Blind Forest today, sadly. The frame rate imploded, which is more than likely my computer's fault. Ah well, I guess we'll have to put that one off for a bit. It makes me sad though, because that game is so freakin' pretty! Seriously.

Anyway, got some Papers, Please recorded so that'll be going up tomorrow, as well as some other game in place of OATBF. Nothing to report on BT or 10seg today!




Friday, August 14, 2015

8/13/2015 | Planning and Development

Whew yesterday was a long day. Sorry for not getting to this until now! Anyway, this is turning out to be an incredibly busy week. But thankfully 4DK is almost done with for now, then that'll be one less project to worry about!

Still working hard on 10seg, the deadline for that has been pushed back so a little less stressed about it, which is good! I've got plenty of other projects lined up though so can't get too comfortable!

Hopefully progress on BT will pick up after I get all the other stuff out of the way. I'm looking forward to focusing on it.

Nothing else to report! Going to record and edit OATBF and PP later, as well as getting the last shots of 4DK done.




Wednesday, August 12, 2015

8/12/2015 | Planning and Development

Woo! I finished up the Guide video at around 3 this morning and put that up! Today wasn't filled with much else since I need to clean up again and get everything straight, so more progress in the future.

Thanks everyone for enjoying the guide! It's makes me really happy to see the feedback from all of you. :D




Tuesday, August 11, 2015

8/11/2015 | Planning and Development

Good lord I'm so close to being done editing the next Guide. That's all I've been doing all day, but it's going well. Nothing else to report.




Monday, August 10, 2015

8/10/2015 | Planning and Development

Whew! What a day. I worked almost nonstop on the next Cranbersher's Guide, and am finally done with all the main footage. Now just some extra stuff and editing.

I was hoping to do some more of "10seg", but unfortunately I underestimated how long it would take to make the finished Booper. Luckily it came out good! The hood on the hoodie the puppet's wearing is massive, though, because well, the puppets have big heads! Oh well, I'm happy with it at least.

Finally getting to shoot the last "4DK" for a while. Gonna delve deeper into what's going on later so it can get better and more interesting.

No more progress has been made on "BT" (You know what, I'm tired of all these quotation marks), because I was too preoccupied with getting the next Guide finished. I realize that BT is the sole reason this DUD exists, but since progress on that is on and off right now I suppose it's fine to talk about all the other things I'm working on! Zippity Doo!

Also, whenever I finish making something I look around my room and it looks like a tornado hit it. Weird. Guess I'll have to tidy up once again.




Sunday, August 9, 2015

8/9/2015 | Planning and Development

Close to finishing off recording the next Cranbersher's Guide, and "10seg" is still going strong. I've thought more about "BT" and another person I think would be good to play another small part, but I have yet to contact them about it. I think I'll save asking anyone else until the script is all set and done.

Not much else to report! Been a pretty slow day unfortunately. But over the next couple weeks I'll be wrapping up the first part of "4DK" before the end of the summer. Ooh boy.




Saturday, August 8, 2015

8/8/2015 | Planning and Development

So today was mostly other stuff besides "BT", although I'm straightening out some stuff for it in my head as I do said other stuff. "10seg" is going well and will hopefully be done soon, so I can move on to "10segMg==".

I'am actually looking forward to being done with those, not because I'm not enjoying them though, because I look forward to having lots of extra time to put into "BT", since the deadline for it will be in my control. I want to take the time to make it the best it can be.

Obviously it's gonna be weird, because well, *cough* I wrote it.... although hopefully not as utterly depressing as Four Seven Six (You can blame my high school senior self for that one.) But anyway...

I also started filming the second episode of CG today, Looking forward to finish this puppet for use in the future. Booper Dooper.

ANYWAY, back to "BT". For some reason I'm obsessing over a tile pattern for the floor of one of the sets I have in mind. Like, more than anything right now, and I have no idea why. It's just tiles! Oh well, once that's out on paper I can hopefully get it out of my noggin.

Not much else besides the regular uploads, I think the next two games I'll play are Ori and the Blind Forest and Papers, Please.


Friday, August 7, 2015

8/7/2015 | Planning and Development

All right, so the progress on the "BT" is starting out slow, since I'm preoccupied with "10Seg" and of course regular uploads.  But that's okay! I'm taking this one slow to make sure I get everything as good as it can be, and well, to make sure it makes sense!

So far I've got story elements in my brain area and some on paper, and I've drawn the protagonist and am developing their character, but before I do that I need to figure out the world they live in and whatnot. It might make an impact on how they act and see things.

Also exciting news, I've got a few voice actors in mind for this one (Yes it's gonna have voices WHAHATHTATT) and I've got a few on board, including an awesome fella (well, they're all awesome people but this one was unexpected). But anyway! Things looking pretty good so far!


P.S. Are you liking these codenames? YAYY SECRETSS


Oh... hey... uh.... there's nothing here yet...... Sooo...... do you like cats? I like cats. I like dogs too. Puppies are cute. Yep.

Anyway, I'll be posting various progress type things on here for a "Big Thing" (I'll find something better to call it eventually) daily. So if you like reading things while at the comfort of your desk/couch/toilet-phone, then I will not stop you!

Take care!
